Jewish Holidays
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Kiddush Levanah
Can I be mekadeish the levanah when there is just a slight cloud cover? Am I permitted to be mekadeish the levanah either before it gets fully dark or during the post-dawn, pre-sunrise morning hours? Did the Rif not write on this topic? Why not? -
The Second Giving of the Torah
The giving of the Torah happens every year and if we merit we can achieve great things from these days. -
How To Truly Be Free
Shavuot and Pesach are connected by the Omer counting period, which leads up to the Receiving of the Torah. This holy day should be utilized for Torah study to the best of one's ability. -
“Our eyes and hearts are always directed towards Jerusalem.”
Not only is the amidah directed toward Jerusalem, but the whole prayer service is too, even when we are not facing Jerusalem. -
The Tallit that Saved Lives
I would like to share with you a miracle that happened to my friends and me, along with more than twenty IDF soldiers, thanks to a Tallit. -
Something to Stand Up For
It is not a coincidence that Jerusalem Day falls on the eve of the Torah reading of Bemidbar.
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